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Plant sampling for bioavailable strontium in the eastern Italian Alps

To develope a high resolution bioavailable strontium isoscape of the eastern Italian Alps, 204 modern plant samples (i.e. 3 samples from 68 locations) have been collected from distinct lithologies of the eastern Italian Alps, targeting locations near burial sites under study and areas potentially used for prehistoric crops. Specific areas with unsampled lithologies have also been targeted to ensure a homogeneous covering of geological domains, bedrock ages, and rock types. Plants from fluvio-glacial deposits have also been sampled to assess the impact of alluvial sediments and Pleistocene glacialism in local bioavailable strontium values. Urbanisations and agricultural lands were avoided to prevent modern contamination from affecting measured values. At each sampling location, grass, shrubs and trees were collected.

Figure: Lithological map of the eastern Italian Alps (based on the global GLiM map by Hartmann and Moosdorf 2012) with sampled locations for bioavailable strontium.


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